59!!! Things You Can Do to Improve Your Content Marketing

Written/Updated on July 26, 2022
By Bill Schick
Table of Contents

Improve Your Content Marketing with These 59 Quick Wins

As we approach our 18th year as an agency, we look back and reflect on the time we’ve spent and the work we’ve done. One thing we see that has changed over the last (almost) 2 decades is that it’s rare for an in-house team to come to us for a complete content strategy. Most of the time, you have something in place already, but either your not sure that all the pieces are in place and you want to improve your content marketing, or you’re looking to add something to the mix that you’re not doing today (like diving into the metaverse).

In this post we’re going to dive into 59 quick wins to help inspire you to improve on what you’re already doing with content.

NOTE: There is no particular order or priority to the content marketing tips in this post. In fact, you might find some of the most interesting things, like Tips for Building Trust, later in the post. So bookmark and save for later, and make sure to skim it all!

Refresher and Obligatory Backstory: What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing a way to connect with and educate prospects and customers through different channels like blogs, social media, videos, etc. It helps your business build trust with your audience by providing valuable education and information about them, your products/services, and how you solve problems.

Content marketing also helps you establish your brand as a thought leaders in your industry. A thought leader is someone who is recognized within their industry for having expertise and knowledge that others seek out. They’re often considered experts because they’ve been around longer than most people and have seen more trends come and go. Thought leaders are usually well respected and trusted within their industry.

When it comes to content marketing, there are a few key principles that should always be kept in mind.

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  1. First and foremost, content should be valuable and useful to your target audience.
  2. Second, it should be well-written and engaging, drawing in readers and encourage them to take action.
  3. Finally, it should foster a positive relationship with your customers – building trust and loyalty over time. Taken together, these principles form the foundation of successful content marketing.

There are many different ways to approach content marketing – you can write original articles or blog posts, or you can use existing material to create new pieces that are specifically tailored to your audience. Whatever approach you choose, make sure that your content is high quality and relevant to your audience. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing credibility and engagement – not something you want happening when you’re trying to attract new customers!

Why Does Content Marketing Matter?

It matters because it builds relationships with your target market. When you share educational content, you’re building trust with your audience. This means when you need to sell them something down the road, they’ll be more likely to buy from you.

Why Should I Care About Improving Your Content Marketing?

If you don’t have a good content marketing plan in place, then you may be missing out on some key opportunities.

Here are just 12 reasons why you need to improve your content:

1. You’re not educating your target market. Content is critical to education and conversion. If you aren’t sharing helpful information, you’re losing lead gen opportunities.

B2B marketers must educate their target market in order to build trust and rapport. When buyers know what your company stands for, they are more likely to invest time and money in your product or service. Educating your target market not only strengthens relationships within the company, but it can also create partnerships with other businesses as well. By properly educating your target market, you can ensure maximum return on investment (ROI).

There are a few different ways that b2b marketers can educate their target market. Some companies prefer to do it through briefings, white papers, webinars, or case studies. Others choose to sponsor events or forums where they can share their knowledge with the attendees. Whichever route is chosen, ensuring that all stakeholders are kept informed is essential for success.

Educating your target market isn’t just essential for building trust – it’s also key for increasing ROI. By properly educating buyers about what you offer and why it’s important, you’ll make sure that they’re willing to invest in your product or service. And as we mentioned earlier – increased investment leads to increased ROI.

2. You’re not telling your story. Storytelling is one of the best ways to engage audiences.

There are a few reasons why telling your brand story is important for B2B marketing. The first reason is that your customers are likely to become brand advocates if they believe that you understand and care about them as individuals. By telling your story in a way that connects with your target audience, you can create stronger relationships with them and increase the chances of converting leads into customers.

The second reason relates to customer acquisition. By understanding who your target market is, you can create content and messaging that attracts potential customers who share similar interests or needs. This type of targeting ensures that you’re reaching the right people, which can help you gain an edge over your competitors. Telling your story is one of the easiest ways to quickly improve your content marketing.

3. You’re not creating value. Value is the reason people choose to consume content, and ultimately purchase from you. If you’re not offering value, you’re missing out.

There are a few reasons why creating value with content marketing is so important for B2B companies. First of all, it helps to create trust and credibility with your target audience. In order to effectively sell to a company, they need to believe that you know what you’re talking about and that you’re providing valuable information.

Second, good content marketing can help you to attract new customers and partners. By engaging your target audience on an active level, you can convince them to become advocates and evangelists for your brand. Finally, content marketing can boost your company’s search engine ranking and increase the chances of being found by potential customers. By creating valuable content that meets the needs of your target audience, you can ensure that you’re leading the pack in terms of customer satisfaction.

4. You’re missing out as a thought leader in your industry. Thought leadership is becoming more and more important in today’s world. If you’ ve never been recognized as a thought leader, then you’ ll need to start thinking about what kind of content will help you become one.

Thought leadership is one of the most important aspects of content marketing for businesses of all sizes. In order to create and inspire trust in your brand, you need to convince others that your insights and ideas are worth listening to. Thought leadership can take many forms, from blog posts and case studies to op-eds and whitepapers.

The benefits of thought leadership are clear: customers will be more likely to buy from you if they believe that you’re an expert in your field, and that your insights have the potential to impact their business or industry. Plus, creating valuable content will help you stand out from your competitors – whether online or in person.

There are a few things you can do to improve your content marketing strategy and achieve greater thought leadership status:

  • Invest in quality research – One of the key elements of thought leadership is being able to quantify your findings and offer concrete advice for businesses of all sizes. Be sure to use relevant data sources when writing about topics such as market trends, customer behavior, and competitor reactions.
  • Craft thoughtful, engaging content – When people read thoughtful content, they’re more likely to remember it and share it with friends or colleagues. This means that every sentence needs to be carefully considered – not only the words themselves, but also the tone and structure of the article.
  • Embrace social media – Social media is a powerful tool for reaching new audiences and building trust within your existing base of followers. Utilize platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to share informative blog posts, timely news stories, or insightful case studies.
  • Write for both business owners and consumers – Many businesses focus exclusively on writing for professionals (such as engineers or managers), but this isn’t always a effective way to attract customers or inspire confidence within your industry community. Think about who reads what you write (and who might benefit from it) before settling on a topic or approach.

5. You’re losing potential clients due to poor SEO—or not being found on Google. SEO is one of the most important aspects of B2B content marketing. It helps your website rank better in search engines, which can lead to more traffic and leads. Plus, it can help you target a specific audience, which can lead to more sales.

6. You’re not getting enough traffic to your website. Great content can help increase traffic to your website by improving your click through and time on page rates. A website with a high level of traffic can generate leads, sales and customer loyalty.

7. You’re not converting visitors into leads. Conversion, or moving a prospect through your funnel, is one of the most difficult parts of digital marketing. If you’re not converting visitors into leads, then you’ve lost an opportunity to make sales and grow your business. Content can benefit your users and your website by helping them find answers to questions they might have. Once they find those answers, they may want to contact you.

8. You’re missing out big time on social media engagement. Social media is where your target market spends most of their time online. If you’d rather spend your time talking to real humans instead of bots, then you need to start engaging with them with educational content.

9. You’re missing out on email marketing. Email marketing is still one of the best ways to reach your target market. But if you’re not using content effectively to grow your email list, you’re wasting one of the most effective methods of winning new business.

10. You’re not building relationships with your current clients. Relationships are important to any business. If you’re not actively driving value to your existing customers with content, then you’ll miss out on new opportunities.

11. You’re missing out with customer retention. It’s easy to lose customers over time. Content can help you retain existing customers by providing valuable information that helps them solve problems.

12. You’re missing out in terms of brand awareness. Brand awareness is another way to describe how well known your company is within its industry. A strong brand is important for any business, but especially so for those in the B2B space. In order to effectively compete in today’s marketplace, businesses must be able to distinguish themselves from their competitors.

How Do I Start Improving My Content Marketing?

If you’re seriously considering improving your content marketing (and at this point we really hope that you are—this is as long post), first step is to figure out where you stand now. Take a look at these questions to determine if you’re ready to make changes:

  • Are you currently producing any type of content? If so, what kind? How much? Who is consuming it? Where does it go?
  • Do you know who your ideal customer is? Is there a specific person or group of people you’d love to reach?
  • Have you established a budget for content creation?
  • Do you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish with your content?
  • Are you satisfied with the results you’re seeing?
  • What are your goals for 2022 and 2023?

59 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Today

Now that you understand where you are, let’s take a look at 59 ways to improve your content marketing efforts.

#1 – Start with a Content Strategy

The first step in improving your content should always be sure to have a documented content strategy. Your content strategy defines your overall content marketing objectives, including what types of content you will produce, when you will create it, and how often you will create it. A well-defined content strategy will allow you to measure your success and identify areas for improvement.

A Content Strategy can be as simple as answering the following:

  • Who my audience is (who I’m trying to attract)
  • Where I’m going with this content (what problem am I solving?)
  • Why I’m creating this content (why should someone care about this topic?)
  • When I’ll publish this content (when will I release it?)
  • How I’ll promote this content (how will I get people to consume it?

#2 – Create a Content Calendar

Having a content calendar will help you plan ahead and avoid creating too many projects all at once. The key here is to focus on quality over quantity.

A content calendar might include:

  • Key dates (e.g., launch date, promotion deadline)
  • Content themes (i.e., blog posts, eBooks, whitepapers, etc.)
  • Target audiences (i.e., buyers, influencers, employees, etc.)
  • Format (i.e., video, infographics, etc.)

#3 – Use Content Marketing Automation (CMA) Tools

Content marketing automation tools like HubSpot and Marketo can help you automate some of the tasks involved in creating and distributing content. For example, with Hubspot, you can schedule posts track which pieces perform best, and even send follow up emails after someone has read an article.

Some of the most popular content marketing automation tools include:

  • HubSpot
  • Marketo
  • InfusionSoft
  • BuzzStream
  • Tailwind
  • Pardot
  • Constant Contact
  • MailChimp
  • Salesforce
  • Drip
  • Buffer
  • Hootsuite
  • SocialFlow

#4 – Measure Your Results

One of the most powerful tools to improve your content marketing is data. Once you’ve created content, measured your performance, and identified areas for improvement, you’ll be better equipped to continue improving your content marketing efforts. This includes monitoring the effectiveness of your content across different channels, measuring engagement rates, and identifying trends in your audience.

Tracking your results might include:

  • Website analytics
  • Audience insights
  • Engagement metrics
  • Leads/conversions
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Product usage data
  • Clickthrough rate
  • Website traffic
  • Social media analytics

#5 – Write About What Matters To Your Market

Writing about what matters to your customers and users will keep them coming back for more. Answer common pre-sales questions, teach them a new technique, or educate them on new developments in their field.

To learn more about your market, you might consider:

  • Researching industry trends
  • Interviewing experts
  • Surveying your current customer base
  • Analyzing competitor websites

#6 – Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Quality beats quantity every day of the week. When you publish content, don’t just throw something together because you think you should. Make sure each piece has real value.

You don’t need to write every day. In fact, if you’re writing more than 3 times per week, you may want to consider cutting down on the number of articles you create. Instead, focus on producing high-quality content that’s relevant to your target audience.

If you have trouble finding quality topics to write about, try brainstorming ideas with friends and colleagues. You could also use a tool like BuzzSumo to find trending topics and see what others are publishing about.

Indicators of good quality include:

  • Unique value proposition
  • Insightful headlines
  • Clear call to action
  • Relevant images
  • Engaging content (does your content get shared)

#7 – Find A Niche And Stick With It

If you have a passion for something, chances are you’ll find success as a writer. You could start by researching topics that interest you, then finding ways to apply those skills to your own niche. Once you’re comfortable with your topic, it’s time to start building out your brand.

Niche research should include:

  • Competitor analysis
  • Market size
  • Industry trends
  • Consumer behavior
  • Your target audience

Different ways to discover your niche include:

  • Finding a topic you already know a lot about
  • Reading books about your area of expertise
  • Talking to people who share your interests
  • Searching online forums

#8 – Create A Helpful Guide

Guides are great resources that answer common questions and solve problems. They also give you the opportunity to add helpful tips and advice. Offering free resources is another way to encourage people to share your content. People love getting something for nothing!

Helpful guides can take on many forms, including?:

  • How-to guides
  • FAQs
  • Cheat sheets
  • Checklists
  • Tips & tricks

#9 – Create Visual Content

A fast way to improve your content marketing is through visuals. Images and videos are powerful because they help people understand complex ideas quickly. If you use visual content effectively, you can increase conversions and lead generation.

Visual content includes:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • GIFs
  • Sliders
  • Infographics
  • Interactive

#10 – Be Consistent

Consistency is one of the most effective ways to build trust in your brand. With this in mind, it makes sense to develop a regular publishing schedule. However, don’t just publish whenever you feel like it. Instead, consider scheduling posts around events, holidays, seasons, etc. Don’t expect to see immediate results. Instead, build a steady stream of high-quality content over time.

How do you maintain consistency? Consider these options:

  • Establish a brand guide
  • Create an editorial calendar
  • Use social media tools to automate posting
  • Schedule posts ahead of time
  • Integrate your social media with your website

#11 – Promote Your Content

Promoting your content is one of the most effective ways to get more eyes on it. Whether you use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, email campaigns, or other methods, promote your content consistently.

Some of best ways to promote your content with include :

  • Social media ads
  • Email marketing
  • Content syndication
  • Press releases

#12 – Get Feedback

Getting feedback from others about your work is essential to improving your content marketing. When you can, get this directly from customers and prospects, but your sales and customer support teams are great resources as well.

Some different ways you can get feedback are:

  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Feedback forms
  • Focus groups
  • User testing

#13 – Test Different Types of Content

You may not realize it, but different types of content have varying levels of effectiveness. For example, videos tend to generate higher engagement than infographics. Experimenting with different types of content can help you find the ones that resonate best with your audience.

#14 – Optimize Your Content

Optimizing your content means making it easier for readers to consume. This includes using images, videos, and links to make it easy for people to navigate through written content.

A few Quick areas to look at for optimizing content include:

  • Headlines – clear and concise
  • Subheadings – relevant and useful
  • Bulleted lists – bullet points are short and to the point
  • Links – links are active and open in new tabs

#15 – Add Value

Adding value to your content helps you stand out from the crowd. Provide unique insights into topics that no one else covers—even if its very niche and low traffic material. The definition of value is subjective, so experiment with different approaches until you find what works best for your business.

One place to look for value is in your new customer onboarding process. Often there are questions and tools that your team uses to uncover opportunity and direction early in the new customer process, and these can be used to create a lot of value earlier in your funnel.

#16 – Include Calls to Action

We see this one a lot. Include calls to action in your content so visitors know exactly what they need to do next after reading your post. Too many blogs have no next step to move the user through the marketing funnel.

A call to action is something that encourages someone to take a certain action. It could be anything from signing up for your email list to buying a product. The key here is to make sure that whatever action you ask people to take is relevant to your business—and the stage of the funnel they’re in.

#17 – Keep It Simple

Keep your writing simple and clear. If you’re struggling to write clearly, take a look at our guide to writing better content.

Quick ways to simplify your content includes :

  • Use fewer words
  • Write shorter sentences
  • Avoid jargon
  • Use bullets and sub-headers

#18 – Use Visuals Creatively

Visuals are an important part of any content marketing strategy. They’re also a great way to add personality and engage your audience.

Some creative uses of visuals include:

  • Infographics – you can make infographics quickly using online tools like Piktochart or Canva
  • Videos – use video to explain concepts or show how something works
  • Images – use images to illustrate ideas or highlight key points
  • Gifs – use gifs to convey emotions

#19 – Get Specific with Your Content.

Content specificity matters because it lets users know what they’ll be able to learn when they click on your link, but it can also help you build up your reputation as a though leader.

One way to get specific about content is look for long-tail keyword opportunities. These are often under-served questions being answered, and easier to rank for.

#20 – Use Headlines That Grab Attention

Headlines are an important part of any blog post. Your headlines are the first impressions that potential clients form about your content. Make them count.The first thing people will read before diving into your article is the headline. Make sure it’s compelling enough to grab attention.

Are you having trouble writing great headlines? Follow these 5 tips:

  • Make it catchy
  • Be specific
  • Include keywords
  • Ask a question
  • Don’t forget to test!

#21 – Write About What You Know

If you want to improve your content marketing and you’re passionate about a topic, chances are you already know a lot about it. Share that knowledge by writing about it!

#22 – Be Honest

Well, this sounds super obvious. However these days, it must be said. Be honest about who you are and what you offer. Readers appreciate honesty and transparency. They want to know that they can trust you.

#23 – Make Your Content Accessible – Part 1

People don’t always have time to read lengthy articles. So if you’re going to share information, make sure it’s easy to digest.

Here are some quick ways to make your content more accessible:

  • Break down complex topics into smaller chunks
  • Add bullet points
  • Use bold text

#24 – Make Your Content Accessible – Part 2

To improve your reach and avoid Ableism, your content should be made available to everyone, including those with disabilities.

There are several things you can do to ensure your content is accessible to disabled users:

  • Provide alternative formats (audio, video)
  • Optimize your content for screen readers
  • Ensure links work properly and are labeled
  • Use an accessibility plugin for your website

#25 – Focus On One Thing At A Time

When you try to cover too much ground in one post, you risk confusing your audience. Instead, focus on one main point and then add supporting details later.

#26 – Don’t Overwhelm People With Information

People don’t like being overwhelmed with information. Give them just enough to keep their interest piqued.

#27 – Ask Questions

Asking questions shows that you care about what your reader has to say. Asking questions also gives you more room to talk about yourself or your company.

Some different resources to learn what questions people are asking online include:

  • Google Trends
  • Quora
  • Buzzsumo

#28 – Tell Stories

Stories are engaging and fun to read. They give us insight into human nature and how we think.

Some example story frameworks include:

  • How I overcame my fear of public speaking
  • What happened when I tried to sell my product without marketing
  • Why I decided to start blogging

#29 – Be Authentic

Authenticity is key to building relationships with customers. When you share your own experiences and opinions, you show your audience that you’re real and approachable.

A few tips for being authentic with your writing:

  • Tell stories from your life
  • Write as though you were talking directly to your customer
  • Don’t over-use jargon

#30 – Use Humor

Humor makes people feel good. It helps break up long-form content and keeps readers engaged.

When using humor in your content, tread carefully. Things to watch out for include:

  • Using inappropriate language
  • Being offensive
  • Making light of serious issues

#31 – Offer Solutions

Solutions-based content provides answers to problems that people face every day. Offering solutions makes your content valuable and relevant.

Often clients are hesitant to give away the answers directly for fear that the content won’t convert, or competitors will steal their ideas. This is rarely the case, and we encourage offering as much value as possible.

#32 – Showcase Experts

Showing off experts in your field is a great way to build credibility. Expertise is attractive to readers.

#33 – Link Out

Link out to other credible sites where your audience might find useful resources. This builds trust and authority.

#34 – Use Data To Back Up Your Claims

Data is always helpful when making claims. Statistics help prove your points and make your arguments stronger. Some great websites to get statistics from are Statista and Kissmetrics.

#35 – Dive Deep into a Subject

Diving deep into a subject means providing lots of detail. This makes your content more interesting, helpful, and informative.

#36 – Include Quotes

Quotes are powerful tools that lend authenticity to your content. They provide context and perspective.

#37 – Keep It Short

Short posts are easy to consume and digest. Longer posts require more time and effort to read.

#38 – Write Long Form

We know we just said keep it short. However, there’s a time and place for long form. Blogs are meant for longer pieces of content. If you write shorter articles, they won’t be as effective at getting traffic.

#39 – Mix It Up

Don’t stick to one style of writing. Varying your tone and voice will make your content more interesting. Create different types of content. Repurpose old but relevant content.

#40 – Consider User Behavior

If you want to increase engagement, consider user behavior. You need to understand what motivates users and how they behave online.

There are a number of ways you can better understand your users’ behavior, including:

  • Analyzing social media data
  • Collecting analytics on your website
  • Understanding your site’s bounce rate

#41 – Create Persuasive Content

Persuasive content convinces readers to take action. You can use persuasive techniques such as emotional appeals, statistics, testimonials, case studies, etc.

#42 – Make Sure Your Audience Is Interested/Use Customer Insight

Make sure your audience is interested before you start creating content. Otherwise, they’ll ignore your messages. Customer insights allow you to create content that’s tailored to specific needs. Find out what your customers need and then offer them solutions.

How do you know if your audience is interested in what you’re writing? Ask them!

You can ask them questions like these:

  • What topics interest you most?
  • Which parts of my blog do you enjoy reading?
  • What would you like to see me cover next?

 #43 – Brainstorm a Lot of Content Ideas

Brainstorming ideas is a good way to come up with new content. Try to think outside the box.

Here are some different content brainstorming frameworks to get your started:

  • Top 10 lists
  • Case Studies
  • Infographics
  • Guides
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Do-It-Yourself Guides
  • How-To Videos
  • Product Reviews
  • How-Tos
  • FAQs

#44 – Content Hacking

Content hacking is about finding ways to repurpose existing content. Look for ways to add value by changing the format or adding visuals.

#45 – Streamline Content Workflow

Streamlining your workflow allows you to produce more content faster. Automate repetitive tasks so you can focus on higher-value activities.

A great tool for streamlining content workflow is Trello. Trello can help you organize your content projects, collaborate with others, and track progress.

#46 – Determine Your One Thing

We’ve found that trying to communicate too many value props, benefits or features in once of piece of content can be overwhelming. Figure out the one main idea that you need to communicate with each piece of content. Then, work backwards to determine how you’re going to convey this message.

#47 – Be Consistent With Your Tone

Be consistent in your tone. Don’t switch between formal and informal language. Stick to one type of language throughout your content.

Use a tool like Grammarly to check your grammar and tone.

#48 – Think About Where and When Your Content is Consumed

Think about where and when your content is consumed. Are people reading it while commuting? Or, are they consuming it after dinner?

How can you see when your users are consuming your content? Simply install Google Analytics on your website. This will give you insight into where your traffic comes from and how long they spend on your pages.

#49 – Add Links To Other Pages

Links are great because they let visitors click around your site. Adding links to other pages increases the likelihood that someone will visit those pages too.

#50 – Remember What Makes Your Business Unique

Your business has something unique to offer. Make sure you highlight that uniqueness in your content.

#51 – Create a Content Marketing Mission Statement

A mission statement helps you define your goals and objectives. It also gives your content direction and purpose. A content marketing mission statement consists of three sentences that describe why you want to create content, who you want to reach, and what you hope to achieve.

#52 – Start Small

Start small with your content and build from there. Focus on one area or niche at first. Target long tail keywords that have low competition. Own that space. Once you’ve mastered that, move onto another.

#53 – Keep Track Of Your Progress

Content marketing is a long game. Keep track of your progress and help you improve over time.

One way to keep track of your content marketing is through a content journal. Write down all of your ideas, thoughts, and insights as they come up. Track when you publish them, and what the impact was.

#54 – Pay to Promote Your Content on Social

Organic reach on social is dead. If you want to get noticed, you have to pay for promotion.

There are lots of ways to promote your content on social media. Some of these include:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • LinkedIn Sponsorships
  • Twitter Promoted Tweets
  • YouTube Advertisements
  • Google Adwords
  • Pinterest Pins

#55 – Build Trust

Today, trust is at an all time low. You need to work harder than ever to earn your customer’s trust before they’ll buy from you. With that being said, there are some minimum requirements to building trust with your content online. These include:

  • Consistency – Your brand voice is consistent across all platforms.
  • Relevance – Your content is relevant to your audience.
  • Quality – No spam or clickbait.
  • Timeliness – Make sure that your information is relevant to the stage of the funnel your audience is in.
  • Credible – Use data and testimonials to provide credibility.

#56 – Understand How Different Types of Content Impact Each Stage of the Buyers Journey

Different types of content impact different parts of the buyer’s journey.

For example, blog posts tend to attract attention during the discovery stage. Whereas, videos tend to attract attention during later stages of the buying process.

#57 – Create Content for All Stages of your Buyers Journey

You should be creating content for all stages of your buyers journey, including awareness, engagement, conversion, excitement, decision, purchase, and post-purchase.

The best content for the following stages include:

  • Awareness – The best type of content at awareness includes blogs, infographics, and webinars.
  • Engagement – Blogs, eBooks, white papers, and case studies are great for this stage.
  • Conversion – Videos, podcasts, and webinars are great for this stage of the buyer’ s journey.
  • Decision – Case studies, whitepapers, and webinars can be effective here.
  • Purchase – Infographics, webinars, and eBooks are great for this stage too.
  • Post-Purchase – Case studies, webinars, eBooks, and white papers are great for this stage as well.

#58 – Know What Type Of Content Works Best For Each Platform

Each platform has its own unique characteristics. Knowing how to use each platform effectively will increase your chances of success.

The most popular platforms for content creation today include

  • Tiktok – Great for short form video content. It’s also a good place to create memes.
  • Snapchat – For photos and videos. It’s also a great place to share live events.
  • Facebook – For long form content like articles, webinars, etc.
  • Medium – For longer form content like blogs, ebooks, etc.
  • Blogger – For blogging.
  • Instagram – For photo and video sharing.
  • Twitter – Meh.
  • Pinterest – For images.
  • LinkedIn – For long form content such as articles, webinars etc.
  • WhatsApp – For text messages.
  • Youtube – For longer form videos: 10 – 30 minutes.

#59 – Create Evergreen Content

Evergreen content doesn’t go out of date. Instead, it stays relevant as new trends emerge.

Example of evergreen content include :

  • How To Guides
  • Product Reviews
  • FAQs
  • Case Studies

Did This Post Give You Something to Think About in Improving Your Content Marketing?

The team at MESH worked pretty hard to pull this together, so we hope it helped you in some way. If it did, would you mind sharing it out on your social network? We’re loving Linkedin these days.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in guest posts are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of our website or company.

About MESH Interactive Agency

Founded by an experienced life sciences industry veteran, MESH is a digital marketing agency purpose-built to help you accelerate growth at every stage, from innovation to exit. We help life sciences, healthcare and technology companies build their brands, develop and execute marketing strategies, fill their funnels, and develop ground-brealing interactive technology and experiences.

With offices in Cambridge, Boston and Manchester, we’re probably right down the street, or a video call away.

Meet the Author

Bill Schick is a Fractional CMO, Agency Founder, and Life Science industry veteran with direct full-cycle experience from discovery and innovation to IPO and exit.

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